Special Education - Kathy Pritchett

What is Child Find?

Child Find is a statewide effort by the State Department of Education and the Department of Rehabilitation Services to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities from birth to age 21.

How Does Child Find Work?

Early Intervention and Special Education Services work closely with community service agencies, parents, and local school systems to locate children with disabilities. A toll free number is provided for parents or other persons interested in information about referring a child from birth to age 21.

Why is Child Find Important?

Child Find helps the child, the family, and the provider to plan appropriate services and link families to services for students meeting eligibility requirements in the following disability areas:


Developmentally Delayed

Emotional Disturbance

Hearing Impairment

Intellectual Disability

Multiple Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment

Other Health Imipairment

Specific Learning Disabilities

Speech and Language Impairment

Traumatic Brain Injury

Visual Impairment
For more information, please contact:

Mrs. Kathy Pritchett, Director of Special Education
Marengo County Schools


Alabama State Department of Education
Special Education Services

Parent Information

Marengo County Schools

Special Education Services

The Marengo County School System believes that children can learn when given the proper support and learning environment.  The task of educators is to give the support and structure to the classroom so that learning can take place.  Generally, this can be accomplished within the regular classroom.  Sometimes, however, the other support services are needed. The instructional support program of Marengo County Schools provides assistance to students who need interventions.  Instructional support staff may monitor student progress, consult with classroom teachers about effective strategies for students, assist students in the regular classroom with activities such as homework, organizational skills, test-taking strategies, class work, and/or a variety of other activities.  Instructional support teachers and teacher assistants (aides) work at each school to provide academic support needed by students.  When intensive interventions are not effective in assisting students in making progress, a referral to special education, may be needed.

 The instructional support program also provides special education services to students with disabilities who qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004.  The Marengo County School System is committed to provide services to eligible students and to include students in the total school program. 
1.      Who may refer a child for special education services?

Any person who has knowledge of a child (ages 3 - 21) suspected of having a disability may refer the child.  However, the school is required to present the child to the Response to Instruction (RTI) Problem Solving Team (PST) to recommend, implement, and monitor interventions to address the child's specific concerns.

2.      What are the guidelines that regulate the identification, placement, and provision of services to students with disabilities?

The Alabama Administrative Code (found on the Alabama State Department of Education's webpage at http://www.alsde.edu/, Sections, Special Education) contains the Alabama Administrative Code which has all of the special education regulations and procedures school districts must follow.  A copy of the Special Education Parent Rights is also included on the state website.

3.      How long does it take for a referral to be completed?

A school has 60 days from the date the school receives signed parental consent for initial evaluation to complete the assessments and conduct an eligibility determination meeting.  An IEP team must convene with 30 days from the date of eligibility to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for a child.

4.      Once a student is determined eligible for services, what happens?

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed by the IEP team.  The IEP includes a profile of the student, special instructional factors, transition services (if over 16 years of age), a present level of academic achievement or functional performance, measurable goals/benchmarks, type of special education services, accommodations for the classroom and for assessment, supports for staff, general factors, determination of the least restrictive environment, etc.  The IEP is designed to provide the student with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to assist the student in making progress toward attainment of academic standards. 
5.      What are the types of special education services that a student might receive?

The type of service a student may receive depends upon the needs of the student.  However, to the maximum extent possible, a student must be educated with children who do not have a disability within the general education classroom.  Students may receive services in the classroom with accommodations, with support in the classroom from the special education staff, in co-taught classes, in the special education classroom for intervention/remediation, etc.  Students with severe cognitive disabilities can receive services in an academic setting separate from the general education setting, if the IEP team determines this is the most appropriate environment.  The decision about services is based on the student's individual needs.

6.      How long is an IEP in effect?

An IEP is in effect for not more than one calendar year.  However, the IEP can be reviewed and revised at any time by the IEP team when either the parent or the school requests an IEP meeting.

7.      How do teachers know what is in their student's IEP?

A student's IEP is accessible to each person responsible for implementing the IEP.  In addition, each teacher and service provider must be informed of their responsibilities related to implementing the child's IEP and specific accommodations, modifications, and supports (i.e., training, equipment, etc.) provided for the child.

8.      Once a student is eligible for special education services, how long does the student remain in a special education program?

A reevaluation must be completed no later than three years from the date of the last eligibility meeting.  However, a parent may request that a reevaluation be completed no more than once a year.  When a reevaluation is needed, the IEP team determines the types of evaluations that should be completed and meets to decide whether the student is eligible for special education services. If the student does not meet criteria for continuing services, the student is determined ineligible and is dismissed from services.

9.   If a student is dismissed from services, is there any support for the child?

When a student is dismissed from services, he/she is referred to the RTI Problem Solving Team to determine interventions that need to be in place to help the student transition from special education services.

10.   What if a parent disagrees with decisions made by the IEP team? 

It is recommended that the parent talk with the teacher and/or the principal first.  If satisfaction is not achieved, a call can be made to the Special Education Coordinator (295-4123) to discuss the concerns. It is always best to try to resolve the concerns at the school and/or district level first,  However, if the parent is still not satisfied, he/she has the right to file a complaint with the State, to request a resolution meeting (if both the parent and school agree), to request mediation, or to request a due process hearing.  Procedures for requesting each are included on the Alabama state website http://www.alsde.edu/ in the Alabama Administrative Code or in the Special Education Parent Rights



Any person who has knowledge of or interest in the student may refer him or her


Date of referral

Student's name and demographic data

Information about the student's problem

Documentation of pre-referral interventions and their effectiveness (CRITICAL)

Completion of environmental, economic, cultural, concerns checklist

IEP Team members' signatures


A referral begins with the date that the education agency is notified that a parent, teacher, student, administrator, doctor, or any other person who has knowledge of or interest in the student wishes to initiate a referral. The process from the date the parent signed consent for initial evaluation to IEP development must be completed in one hundred twenty (120) calendar days regardless of any scheduled interruptions in the scholastic year or the scheduled summer vacation.

Initial evaluations must be completed within sixty (60) calendar days from the date the school received the signed parent consent for initial evaluation.

Eligibility MUST be determined no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date initial evaluations were completed.

An IEP meeting must be held and placement made within thirty (30) calendar days after the student is determined eligible.



The IEP Team is a team of people who meet to make decisions about evaluation, eligibility, and programming for students.


Not less than one general education teacher of the student (if the student is or may be participating in the regular education environment)

Not less than one special education or special education provider of the student

The parent, guardian, or surrogate parent of the student

A Local Education Agency (LEA) representative who is qualified to provide or supervise specially designed instruction, is knowledgeable about general education curriculum, and is knowledgeable of and able to commit available resources

Someone who can interpret evaluation results

Other persons knowledgeable about the student, including related service personnel

Whenever appropriate, the student (encouraged at age 16 )

Transition services participants, for students 16 years of age or older



Reviews the initial referral

Reviews existing data and determines the need for evaluation

If the student is to be evaluated, determines what areas and what evaluations will be conducted

Obtains parental written informed consent for evaluations to be conducted

If the student is not to be evaluated, provides written notice to the parent of the intent not to evaluate

Reviews the existing data and determines what, if any, additional data is needed for reevaluations.


Reviews data and determines whether the student is a student with a disability and determines the educational needs of the student

A team must rule out that the cause of the academic deficiency is a result of lack of reading instruction (in the five essential components of reading utilizing scientifically-based research reading interventions and strategies) and/or math instruction (utilizing research-based interventions and strategies) or lack of English proficiency

Provides a copy of the evaluation report and the documentation of determination of eligibility to parent


Develops a narrative statement of the student's present levels of functional performance as well as academic achievement, including how the student's disability affects the student's involvement and progress in the general curriculum

Develops measurable annual goals including standards-based academic achievement and functional goals designed to meet the student's needs to enable the student to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum

Determines if special transportation is needed and what, if any, accommodations are needed

Determines the type of special education services and amount of time the student will receive special education services within the regular classroom and outside of the regular classroom

Determines supplementary aids and services (i.e., accommodations) needed by the student to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum

Determines assistive technology needs (i.e., low tech and high tech)

Determines related services (i.e., occupational therapy, speech therapy if not the primary exceptionality, audiology, etc.) that are needed for student to make progress toward his/her goals

Determines accommodations needed for regular assessments

Determines supports needed for school personnel to implement the student's IEP

Determines how progress will be assessed and reported

Determines whether Extended School Year services are needed to prevent the student from regressing beyond a reasonable recoupment period

Determines which assessments and how the student will participate in State and district-wide assessments and determines accommodations needed to fully participate

Determines transition services needed (beginning at age 16)

Develops a behavior plan if the student's behavior interferes with his/her educational performance and/or that of others

Determines whether the student's misbehavior is a direct and substantial relationship to his/her disability (manifestation determination) within ten (10) days of the behavior

Determines an Alternate Education Setting that will be in place for a student if he/she is recommended for expulsion or for suspension for more than ten (10) days