Marengo County Department of Federal Programs

Parent Information
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act - Kathy Pritchett, Liaison
All three of Marengo County's K-12 schools (Amelia L. Johnson, Marengo High School, and Sweet Water High School) are Title I schools. Marengo County operates a school-wide Title I program at all schools. The school system receives federal funds to supplement state funds in order to provide the best possible education for all students. The funds are used for teachers, tutoring, intervention, technology, materials, and supplies at all schools. It also helps Marengo County provide opportunities for parents to receive training and become involved in the school system.
Title programs described below assist us in meeting those standards. On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a long-awaited overhaul of the federal education law. This law replaces the No Child Left Behind Act. ESSA represents a shift from broad federal oversight of primary and secondary education to greater flexibility and decision making at the state and local levels. This measure reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation's national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. ESSA requires each state to develop a plan that is designed to close achievement gaps, increase equity of instruction and increase outcomes for all students.
The goal of the Marengo County School System is to provide the best learning environment that is available to meet the needs of our students. The funds provided by the ESSA legislation supplement our efforts by providing additional teachers and aides to work with struggling learners and supplemental materials for those students who need a variety of strategies to meet the state's standards for achievement. The Title programs described below assist us in meeting those standards.
Title I - Improving Academic Achievement funds certified teachers and paraprofessionals who work directly with those students who either are failing or at risk of failure. Title I funds provide classroom supplies, reading and math instructional materials, and computer software programs that are used to target the needs of those students identified for services. Non-public school students who meet the same or equivalent criteria for assistance and attend schools that meet the assurances previously listed may also be served through Title I.
Title II, Part A - Preparing and Training High-Quality Teachers and Administrators provides funding for principals, teachers, and paraprofessionals to meet the standards set by the legislation. Marengo County Schools provide staff development opportunities that are available to all system staff.
Title II, Part D - Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) is a competitive grant process that funds equipment, software, and staff development opportunities that will improve classroom instruction through the use of technology. Non-public schools may participate in consortia with public schools to develop and implement one of the EETT grants. These schools must also meet the assurances required by the federal government. Currently, there is no funding for EETT.
Title III - officially known as the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act. The Act states that LEP students must not only attain English proficiency but simultaneously meet the same academic standards as their English-speaking peers in all content areas. Federal funding is provided to assist State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in meeting these requirements. Marengo County does not currently receive Title III funds.
Title V-B – Rural and Low-Income School Program is a supplemental grant program that addresses the unique needs of rural school districts addressing the help provided to students to help them succeed with rigorous state standards.
Equity and Comparability
The Marengo County Board of Education ensures that all schools in Marengo County receive comparable services from state and local sources. This includes the assignment of personnel (to include teachers, administrators, and staff) and the distribution of curriculum materials and instructional supplies and equipment. This assignment and distribution are based on student enrollment statistics for each school.
Title I attendance area eligibility is calculated based on free and reduced lunch and enrollment data from the first forty days attendance report. Schools are rank-ordered according to poverty level with the school having the greatest percentage of children in poverty ranked first. Title I funds are distributed based on per-pupil allotment multiplied by the number of poverty-level students to all eligible schools. Marengo County also ensures that all persons are afforded equal access to instructional programs. Participation in other selected programs is based on criteria included in Board policy. No student will be categorically denied participation in a program due to gender, race, national origin, color, disability, age, or migrant status, limited English proficiency, neglect or delinquency, foster care, or homelessness.
For additional information, please contact Kathy Pritchett, Federal Programs Coordinator