Mental Health Services
Hello!! My name is Kenyetta Evans and I will be serving as the Mental
Health Coordinator for the Marengo County School District. Let me tell
you all a bit about myself. I am a 1998 graduate of SWHS. After High School, I obtained my B.S. in Sociology/minor in Psychology (2003), and my M.S. in Counseling and Psychology in 2009 from the University of West Alabama. I
have over 17 years of experience in the mental health arena starting
from a case manager all the way up to an Executive Director of a
Substance Abuse facility.
This will also be my fourth year serving in
this capacity. I am here to work with and educate the scholars, parents,
community, and staff at each school so that our scholars have the best
possible outcome. I travel to each school during the week and if you
would like to talk to me my schedule is as follows (07:15 am to 03:15 pm).
- Monday/Thursday: Marengo High,
- Tuesday: Amelia Love,
- Wednesday/Friday: Sweet Water High
Just know that my door is always open and I am here for any and everyone. I can be reached by email at any time. Feel free to reach out to me at any time.
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” - Dolly Parton
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Children’s Good Manners Month
Deaf Awareness Month
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15)
Library Card Sign-up Month
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
National Preparedness Month
National Recovery Month
Self-Improvement Month
Sexual Health Awareness Month
8th International Literacy Day
10th World Suicide Prevention Day
10-16th National Suicide Prevention Week
10-16th National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week
11th Grandparents Day
16th World Clean-Up Day
17th Constitution Day/Citizenship Day
17-23rd Child Passenger Safety Week
17-23rd Student Sleep Health Week
20th National School Backpack Awareness Day
21st International Day of Peace
23rd International Day of Sign Languages
27th National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

- watch a good movie
- write each other positive notes
- verbalize and talk about feelings
- draw self-portraits
- say "I love You"
- spend time writing
- have a sing-a-long
- tell jokes
- try a new craft
- dance party
- go for a walk
- family bike ride
- take a hike
- play kickball
- tag
- roller skating
- go to the pool
- jump rope
- kids yoga
- a gratitude list
- go outside
- talk about forgiveness
- write thank you's
- volunteer
- spend time outside or with nature
- practice positive self-talk
- plant a tree
- read together
- draw or write stories
- kids meditation
- find shapes in clouds
- practice belly breaths
- go on a walk to find new things
- make vision boards
- try Headspace for Kids
- create mandalas
- make mindfulness jars
- play mind strength games like memory
- clean up
- declutter old toys
- assign chores
- make a grocery list together
- learn about money
- make a weekly budget check-in
- make a weekly cleaning check-in
- homework/study
- have a morning and night routine
- play in the park
- call or visit relatives
- have family dinner
- play board games
- host a sleepover
- invite friends over
- plan a BBQ
- join a team
- do a neighborhood food drive
- have talks about friendship and how to be a friend