
Quick Facts
Corporate profile
Nearly 30,000 sites and 165 million people worldwide have relied on Kuder for evidence-based career assessment, education planning, and guidance resources. With affordable solutions for pre-K through retirement, our customizable products and services reflect a commitment to encouraging lifelong learning, development, and achievement.
Through our collaborative relationship with the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP), Kuder is invested in improving, advancing, and advocating for career development public policies, systems, and practices on a global scale.
To help people discover and achieve what they want to be.
To be the global authority in career guidance and education by providing evidence-based and proven tools to navigate life’s journey. Our resources help to raise aspirations to last a lifetime.
Guide students and parents through successful eighth-grade and post-high school transitions.
Increase retention and graduation rates.
Provide career planning, guidance, and development resources to last a lifetime.
Key Accomplishments
Our solutions reach nearly 165 million users worldwide.
We welcome 250,000 new users each month.
Over 30,000 sites utilize a Kuder system.
We’ve developed over 120 custom web portals.
Phil Harrington – President & Chief Executive Officer, Paul Melde – Chief Information Officer, Erin Milroy – Chief Strategy Officer, David Rawson – Chief Financial Officer
For over 75 years, the name Kuder has been synonymous with reliable, evidence-based career guidance solutions for people of all ages, and for populations around the world. Visit our History & Legacy and Research Faculty pages.
About our name
Kuder is the surname of Dr. Frederic Kuder (1904-2000), a pioneer in vocational guidance. His Kuder Preference Record, which dates back to 1938, was taken by more than one million people worldwide and was one of the most-used career guidance instruments in schools and colleges from the 1950s to the millennium.
In 1999, at the age of 95, Dr. Kuder approved the transfer of his interest inventories from McGraw-Hill to National Career Assessment Services, Inc. (NCASI). NCASI soon became known for its exclusive line of career assessments bearing the name Kuder, and clients fondly referred to the organization as “The Kuder People.” The company officially took the name Kuder, Inc. in 2007.
Kuder’s world-renowned research faculty conducts and oversees ongoing and relevant research to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of our products for today’s students and adults. The research faculty’s central focus is to engage in research projects investigating the impact Kuder has on the educational and career achievement of students and adults.
View our Research Studies & White Papers.
302 Visions Parkway Adel, Iowa 50003
Kuder is a virtual company with a team around the world serving individuals and organizations from the Midwest to the Middle East. Our headquarters are home to the first ICCDPP office in the United States.
Mrs. Amy Ward Career Tech/Coach | 334-422-1115 Email: amyward@marengo.k12.al.us |